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Thursday, March 10, 2011

News, news, news!! (168 Days!)

Do you ever sit back and think 'there is no way my life could get more busy or more wonderful?'

I thought that to myself shortly after writing my last blog entry. The weather has been sunnier and spring feels like it is just hiding around the corner, I was feeling excited (albeit a bit stressed) about everything in my life, and I was in a place where I was truly happy.

Jack Johnson has this line in one of his songs that says "You've got to be careful when you've got good love, because the angels will just keep on multiplying". I think the same is true for happiness. When you are happy with life and with yourself, the happiness will just keep on multiplying. And so I find myself half way over with spring break, happier and busier than ever.

Semester at Sea has added two new ports to my itinerary, and Morocco has thus far remained on the itinerary as well. The two new ports are Port Louis, Mauritius and Havana, Cuba! After the State of the Union a while back, in which President Obama included the idea of healing relations with Cuba, Semester at Sea said they were going to try to make a visit happen for our voyage and voyages in the future. It may not be 100% official yet, but it is up on the website, which is solid enough for me to begin getting excited! I believe that a dialogue between the US and Cuba will be a good thing for the future of our part of the world. It is time we begin to heal the wounds that were left by the Cold War.
As for the other port, I know nothing about this place (indeed, I had never heard the name until I saw it on the website for my itinerary). I'm looking forward to learning about the new places I am set to travel to (really, I am looking forward to learning. Period.)

I am also excited to announce that the Visa and Vaccination information went up as well! Much of my stressing has been alleviated! I will only need a total of 4 Visa's (Ghana, India, Vietnam and China) for an estimated total of $357! And only a Yellow Fever vaccination and a prescription for malaria medication! Dear readers, you cannot see my happy dance, but you better bet your bottom dollar that I am happy-dancing my way around the room.

This trip is continuing to feel real and possible and in that feeling lies the true magic of this whole thing.

1 comment:

  1. Mallory

    How exciting. I picked up on your blog today when I did a google blog search for "semester at sea" (looking for updates on the current voyage). As an alumni I love to "vicariously" voyage along (a nice break from work).

    Your voyage is shaping up to be among the best itineraries. A complete around the world (through the Panama Canal) with a stop in Cuba (the 11th time a S@S Voyage has stopped there).

    I've sailed on the MV Explorer five times (three Enrichment Voyages and two Alumni Voyages) ... you are in for a real treat.

    Have a marvelous time ... it will be, trust me, a life-changing adventure.

    All the Best,

    Voyage Five, Spring 1966 (email: ...
