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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Where is the time going? (92 Days!)

Today's date is May 25th and for any fellow voyagers or for returning readers to my blog, this day a fairly significant day. Today I registered for class on board the MV Explorer and today is also the final deadline to submit application for scholarships and financail aid through ISE. This particular day marks a very big step in my journey toward Semester at Sea.

I woke up early today to register for classes. This was a whole ordeal (just as t usually is on my home campus of Appalachian State). I woke up at seven thirty to make sure I was up and ready to attack the classes I am dying to take before they had the chance to fill up. I do this every semester because classes fill up fast no matter what your major is or where on the map of academia you are studying. But at eight o'clock there was no course registration to take part in. in fact, there wouldnt be for another hour and a half, thanks to the many on the ball students who were eager to register for classes on what is likely to e the best semester of college, period. Yes, the students brought the registration site to its knees, were it begged for mercy before being consumed by students. This wouldn't have been so bad if I hadnt had to be at work at 9:30. Dont worry dear readers, I registered and made it to work on time, but man, it was a close call.

This whole ordeal also posed an unexpected pleasure; after the initial problem at eight, I decided to go check out the Semester at Sea Fall 2011 Voyage facebook page (a page I turn to often to see my fellow voyagers, share excitement, and check for information). I realized I was not alone. For the next hour and fifteen minutes I watched and participated in what I can only describe as pure hilarity; the kind of hilarity that only ensues when a large number of highly stressed out college students get together online. Here are some of my favorites from the morning:

It made me realize how excited I am to spend three months around the world these people.

On a more serious note, today is also the last day to turn in applications for financial aid. This is a major source of stress for me. I have had all my stuff turned in for some time now, but I am sincerely concerned about paying for my voyage. Any well wishes and good karma sent my way would be most appreciated.

The last scholarship I turned in was for the Diversity Abroad Scholarship (that pays HALF of the tuition for the program). I worked really hard on my scholarship video essay submission (which can be found here ).

All in all, the voyage is getting really close and there are only a few things left to tend to.

Till next time :)

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