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Saturday, June 4, 2011

Getting the Chills (82 Days!!!)

So... now for a REAL blog post...

Today, as I was driving home from work I decided to play the K'naan song that seems to be iconic for my voyage, called Waving Flag. Sitting in the drivers seat of my car, driving the winding roads back to my house through the Appalachian Mountains, I couldn't help but get chills. For the first time this voyage is starting to feel real.

Not only is the voyage beginning to feel so real I can almost taste and touch it, but thanks to the voyage, the rest of my life is starting to feel like something more than a plan or a thought bubble that I have over my head like a comic strip; it is instead beginning to feel like my life. The K'naan song has a line the says 'When I get older, I will be stronger, they'll call me freedom, just like a waving flag'. Someday I hope to be an international human rights lawyer working to be stronger, working to help the people in the world that get forgotten, who are hungry and neglected, and who are often taken advantage of. The song made me feel like I can do all these things, and that feeling, which is helped by my voyage, is the best thing in whole world.

So, here are some of the details about the Diversity Abroad Scholarship. I received the email saying I was a finalist yesterday (it was a day of much squealing). The email stated that, since I was a finalist, I would not be receiving my financial aid awards yesterday, as was planned (and as everyone who wasn't selected as a finalist did). Instead, I will find out about the Diversity Abroad Scholarship as well as all the other scholarships I applied for (which was every single one) on Friday, June 10th. Now, anyone who doesnt know me wouldn't know the following information: I am borderline obsessed with Josh Groban. I find his voice and his music enthralling and the work his foundation does with Nelson Mandela's 4664 organization, as well as a number of other charities, inspiring. He is a reminder of what talent, compassion and passion can do for the world, and I have tickets for my mom and I to go see our very first Josh Groban concert on Friday, June 10th. Friday, June 10th, the same Friday, Junes 10th as the day I will find out about my scholarships.
I think I may explode with happiness and stress before Friday, June 10th.

It is an honor to be selected as a finalist for the Diversity Abroad Scholarship, an honor that is still setting in. I am a firm believer in Karma and the power of positive thinking. To thank to universe for the wonderful honor I received yesterday I decided to find a way to put that kindness back into the world. When I walked into Wal-Mart yesterday I noticed they had a Red Cross bus outside. In my traditional way of paying-it-forward I decided to donate blood. I can only hope that my actions reflect my belief that we can all make the world a better place.

As a final word before I go listen to some Josh Groban music, I ask that everyone reading this send me some love, light, pleasant thoughts, good karma, prayers, or whatever it is that you do. I thank you all in advance, and you can expect to hear from me soon.


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